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CEO and Director
Coaching Director
Research and Development Manager
Haagon East has been a leader in the Personal Training Industry since the early 1990s and is one of the founders and creators of TRIBE Team Training™. His role managing and educating a global team of personal trainers led to his development of Personal Training Systems for the international market and later to CEO level positions in health clubs and sports analysis companies. Haagon owned a thriving health club in Wanaka, New Zealand for over 12 years and experienced first-hand the benefits that TRIBE Team Training™ brings his business and the members of his club. As a former athlete Haagon relishes the team atmosphere of TRIBE Team Training™ programs and is devoted to the TRIBE promise that by working out together in a team, everyone will achieve more than they ever thought possible.
I have been a part of the fitness industry for over 20 years. Through my various roles as a Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Instructor, Team Trainer, and Club Manager I have had the opportunity to inspire thousands of health club members towards incredible results. In my role as the director of Coaching for TRIBE Team Training®, I get to continue to pursue this passion through my work with TribeCOACHES around the world.
If you could write your own job title that best describes what you do here, what would it be?
Coaching Director for Members Results (no one gets left behind).
What is on your ultimate TRIBE session playlist?
Any music that embodies the programs 😊 I’m not fussy as long as it sits with the essence 😊
Describe a significant team experience, why was it significant?
The day we brainstormed the essence of the programs and the values that represent the company. We collectively all agreed on our values and then one of us suggested the only possible name to embody the vision and the values are TRIBE Team Training! From the first time we heard it, we all jumped up and said YES! That’s it!
Name 5 values that are important to you that you bring to your role.
Team Player | Professionalism | Loyalty | High Work Ethic | Passion
Share a moment when a TRIBE teammate helped you achieve more than you ever thought possible.
The day when my fellow TRIBE HQ team members and I came together to share TRIBE with the world. As well as every day since, having teammates that are loyal and true, means they stand by me every day through every challenge. Because of our shared passion and drive, I am inspired by them to achieve more than I ever thought I could every day.
With a belief that movement is an essential part of having a healthy body and mind, Aaron Callaghan has traveled the world learning and colaborating with the best of the best.
A passion for asking questions and understanding why behind what we do has allowed him to build a reputation to be the go to guy for peak performance.
Aaron is excited to be involved with TRIBE Team Training™ as it allows the fulfilment of one of his personal goals on being involved in delivering a world class movement program for the wider community.