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We have created an online series for TRIBErs globally to utilise at home during these unprecedented times. Maintain the training that you know, that you love, that you enjoy, and stay connected to your global TRIBE!

Now more than ever we all understand the importance of health and connection. During this time of physical distancing, TRIBE has given all members the opportunity to continue to invest in their health and to connect with their teams in the gym and from home.

TRIBE anywhere, anytime!

Adapted for the purpose of catering to those of our TRIBE who do not have access to the gym environment because of these unprecedented times, the Tribe@HOME™ series gives TribeMEMBERS an opportunity to continue to train with TRIBE Team Training® virtually. Keeping everyone inspired, motivated, and connected to their favorite TRIBE coach, teammates, and programs; whilst providing some consistency and normalcy to their everyday lives.

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Like all TRIBE Team Training® programs, the Tribe@HOME™ season is released every 8 weeks with new exercises, new music and new workout formulas. At TRIBE Team Training® you never repeat a workout meaning you will achieve more. Stay home and stay fit – continue to invest in you and stay connected to your TRIBE.